Audio Backends ============== Quod Libet currently supports GStreamer and Xine as an audio backend. The default backend can be changed in ``~/.quodlibet/config`` by setting the ``backend`` option (``gstbe`` = GStreamer, ``xinebe`` = Xine, ``nullbe`` = no backend). Make sure Quod Libet isn't running while you edit the file. GStreamer Backend ----------------- Custom Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It's possible to attach a custom GStreamer pipeline to the player backend under *File* → *Preferences* → *Playback* → *Output Pipeline*. The pipeline syntax is equivalent to what is used in the *gst-launch* utility. See ``man gst-launch`` for further information and examples. In case the custom pipline doesn't contain an audio sink, Quod Libet will add a default one for you. Debugging Pipelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case you are interested in which GStreamer elements and audio formats are used in the current pipeline, start Quod Libet in debug mode (``quodlibet --debug``), go to *File* → *Preferences* → *Playback* and press the *Print Pipeline* button. It will print the whole pipeline used for the current active song to *stdout*. For debugging GStreamer related issues see the official GStreamer docs: `Running and debugging GStreamer Applications `__ Gapless Playback ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gstreamer supports gapless playback for all common formats except MP3. See the following bug report for more information: Selecting an Output Device ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want QL to output to a different device you have to pass the device option to the sink by setting a custom pipeline. In case of pulseaudio you can get a list of available devices by executing:: #!/usr/bin/env python2 import gi gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0") from gi.repository import Gst Gst.init(None) dm = Gst.DeviceMonitor() dm.start() for device in dm.get_devices(): if device.get_device_class() == "Audio/Sink": props = device.get_properties() element = device.create_element(None) type_name = element.get_factory().get_name() device_name = element.props.device print "%s device=%r" % (type_name, device_name) dm.stop() which should give you something like:: pulsesink device='alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo' which you can use as is, as a custom pipeline. Xine Backend ------------ The Xine backend needs either xine-lib 1.1.x or xine-lib 1.2.x. Since most distributions make QL only depend on GStreamer, you might have to install xine-lib manually (*libxine1*, *lixine2* in Debian/Ubuntu). To enable the backend, set the ``backend`` option in the ``config`` file to ``"xinebe"`` while QL isn't running.